About Us

We want to build a community of supporters and volunteers to help us preserve,  restore and manage the wood as a permanent  wildlife sanctuary.  


Oxfordshire Badger Group is small registered  charity that promotes the conservation and protection of badgers and their habitats across Oxfordshire. 


We were delighted to be invited to buy the Copse.  Purchase was completed in August 2022. The copse safe from development and will remain wild and unspoilt.


Access is by invitation only. There are no paths or public rights of way through the wood.


Public safety is a key consideration. The copse is steep and slippery in places with many fallen branches, nettles, dense brambles, and other hazards.


We are not liable for the safety of any trespassers.



Our first tasks are to:

  • establish safe paths
  • professional ecology and tree  surveys
  • write a management plan
  • recruit supporters & engage with the community
  • fundraise !