We are crowdfunding to secure the wood for posterity and to enable essential conservation work. Please see our GofundMe page for more information.
Please note the parent organisation - Oxfordshire Badger Group - is a registered charity and donations may be Gift Aided. All donations to the Copse conservation appeal will be ring fenced and
used only for that purpose.
If you want to discuss how your donation will be used, are thinking of making a larger donation or organising a fund raising event please contact us.
Payments should be made to our Cooperative bank business account
Oxfordshire Badger Group
sort code 08-92-99
A/c 65892143
Please give your name & "Copse" as a reference
Donate by cheque
Cheques should be made payable to Oxfordshire Badger Group
Send to: Hutchcomb's Copse Appeal c/o 29 Webbs Way, Kidlington, OX5 2EW