There was so much appreciation and enthusiasm for Hutchcomb‘s Copse when we held an Open Day on the 1st of June. Our small, two-acre wood was looking lovely, it’s wildness emphasised by Nettles and Cow Parsley alongside the animal tracks, and huge green canopies of leaves over our heads.
We were delighted to raise money from entrance fees, teas and cakes, and received some generous donations. Thank you to everyone who kindly contributed, including by offering time and physical work in the Copse as well as by visiting. Thank you too to Penny for kindly hosting us along with her beautiful garden open day.
We need to raise funds to pay off the purchase loan for the Copse, and whilst we can organise events like the open day, and also run our crowdfunder, we are now ready to seek advice and help from friends who are skilled and experienced fund raisers on a larger scale.
Could this be you? Do you have professional fund-raising skills from past or current activities, or employment? Could you step in and offer advice? Or do you ‘know someone who can?’ Could you introduce us to a friend of a fund-raising friend who might like to help ensure our beautiful wild wood continues to thrive?
Our website at https://www.hutchcombs-copse.org.uk includes photographs of some of our (many) favourite trees. Please do take a look. If you would like to get involved in the practical work of the Copse (mostly maintenance of our circular path, and occasional clearance of fallen timber then please also get in touch via
Thank you for taking time to read this – and do please get in touch if you want to help with the Copse.
More opportunities to visit the Copse
We're planning to open the Wood again over the summer. Once dates are confirmed we'll post information on the website and via our newsletter. We also
hope to leaflet neighbouring streets.
Getting ready for that will involve more work parties to keep the paths open
- it's a constant battle with the nettles and cow parsley. You are welcome to come along and help with leafleting / path clearing !
West Oxford Gardens Open for Charity Sunday 23rd June
The Garden at no 86 Hurst Rise Road will be open on Sunday 23rd June as part of the National Open Garden Scheme. It is one of several open gardens in the West Oxford area - admission just £7 to visit them all. More info here: https://ngs.org.uk/gardens/west-oxford-gardens-ox2/